Can You Pass the Written Driving Test Today?

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Ah, the sweet freedom of having your driver’s license—finally, no more relying on mom to get you to soccer practice or awkwardly asking friends for rides to the party. 

You’ve made it. 

The open road is yours, and it feels great. But… let’s be honest—how long has it been since you’ve actually thought about the written driving test you passed years ago? 

The one that proved you knew the rules of the road? Yeah, that one.

A study by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety found that nearly 60% of drivers couldn’t correctly identify basic road signs on a follow-up quiz. Yikes!

Once you’re on the road, the details of all those road signs, rules, and regulations can get a little… fuzzy. You’ve probably lost count of how many times you’ve zipped past a “Yield” sign without thinking twice or waved at a stop sign like it’s a suggestion rather than a rule. 

“I’m a good driver,” you say to yourself. “I’ve got this.”

But hold up, champ—what if you had to take the written driving test today? (Without using ChatGPT) 

Right now, after all those years of cruising along autopilot. 

Could you still pass it, or would you be left red-faced in the DMV, asking yourself what in the world is a “solid yellow line” again?

Oh, and let’s not forget that moment of panic when you see a school bus with its stop sign out—do you stop or just keep going? 

Pro tip: Always stop. You don’t want a lecture from your neighbor’s 10-year-old about bus safety.

Let’s be honest—most of us treat road signs like background noise. ‘Construction ahead? 

Cool, but I’m already late. Hope that bridge is still there!

Spoiler alert: you’re not alone. 

Studies show that many drivers forget key parts of the written exam long after they pass it. Road signs, traffic laws, and all those little rules that keep us from driving like lunatics can slip through the cracks. 

Trust us, even seasoned drivers can struggle to remember the answers to some of those tricky questions. 

It’s like riding a bike, but… instead of a bike, it’s a 2-ton vehicle, and instead of a helmet, you’re wearing your pride. No pressure.

Let’s take a look at a few of those sneaky questions that could trip you up:

What does a flashing yellow light mean?
A) Slow down and proceed with caution
B) Come to a complete stop
C) Speed up to avoid the light turning red
D) Ignore it—yellow’s basically green, right?

Answer: A. We get it—it’s tempting to treat a flashing yellow light like it's just a friendly wink from the traffic gods, like, ‘Hey, no biggie, just keep doing your thing.’ 

It actually means slow down and take it easy, like the road’s gently reminding you, ‘Hey, I know you’re in a hurry, but maybe don’t turn this corner like you’re late for a wedding!

When is it okay to pass another vehicle on the right?
A) Always
B) Only on a one-way street
C) When the vehicle is signaling a left turn
D) Only if the car in front is doing 20 mph below the speed limit

Answer: C. You’re not the road’s speed police, so slow down and wait for the right time to pass safely. Don’t just do it because you're getting impatient—there’s a time and place.

What should you do if you see an emergency vehicle with flashing lights behind you?
A) Speed up to get out of the way
B) Pull over to the right and stop
C) Slow down and keep driving
D) Pretend you didn’t see anything

Answer: B. Seriously, this one’s a no-brainer. Get over and stop—emergency vehicles need to get through, and you don’t want to be the person who causes a delay. (Also, it’s the law, so… there’s that.)

What should you do if you approach a roundabout?

A) Close your eyes and hope for the best.                                                                                                               

B) Yield to traffic already in the circle.                                                                                                                           

C) Go as fast as possible to beat everyone else.

Answer: B. Roundabouts are a dance, not a race—merge gracefully, folks!

Here’s the deal—just because you’ve been driving for years doesn’t mean you’ve got a pass on the rules. 

Sure, you’ve got the skills to change lanes without panicking, parallel park like a pro…or at least only hit the curb once instead of twice, and maybe even squeeze through that tight parking spot without hitting the car next to you (fingers crossed). 

But let’s face it: as time goes by, it’s easy to forget what you should know.

Think about it—how many times have you been on the road and suddenly realized you didn’t actually know the exact rule for a certain situation? 

We’ve all had that moment where we’ve been like, “Wait… am I allowed to turn here? Am I speeding? Is this a one-way street? What do I do with my hands right now?”

And merging is another story. 

Let’s be honest: It’s like trying to join a conga line where no one invited you. Half the cars won’t let you in, and the other half look like they’re daring you to hit them. 

And if you miss your exit? Congrats, you’re on a 20-minute detour to Narnia.

Also, road signs? 

Sometimes they’re not as straightforward as they seem. Take, for instance, that sign that says “END SCHOOL ZONE.” What’s the first thing you think when you see that? 

“Phew, I can finally speed up, right?” 

Well, hold your horses there, Speed Racer. It doesn’t mean “full throttle,” it just means you can now drive the speed limit again—no need to break any land-speed records.

There's no need to weave through traffic like you're auditioning for Fast & Furious: Suburb Edition. 

Do you know what’s worse than not remembering a rule, though? 

Getting it wrong and getting a ticket for it. Ouch. You can already hear that meter ticking, right? 

Plus, the embarrassment of having a rookie mistake is plastered on your record. 

For a refresher on your state's DMV driving test handbook, click here!

So, what’s the lesson here?

Some road signs just feel like they’re out to mess with you. ‘No Turn on Red Except Between 9:37 AM and 10:12 AM.’ 

Okay, great, let me just check my lunar calendar real quick.

Everyone needs a refresher once in a while, and that's completely ok. 

It’s time to dust off your knowledge of the rules of the road. After all, driving’s not just about looking cool behind the wheel—it’s about keeping yourself (and everyone else) safe. 

And yes, that means brushing up on things like the meaning of flashing yellow lights and what to do when you see an emergency vehicle in your rearview mirror. 

You know—basic stuff.

Maybe you’ve been on a road trip in an unfamiliar state and wondered, ‘Can I turn right on red here?’ Spoiler: It depends! Some states allow it, but others, like New York City, say no way.

Think you’ve got what it takes? Well, it’s time for a pop quiz. Head over to a free DMV practice test and see where you stand. Are you still sharp? Or is it time to hit the books again?

Because let’s be real—we all think we’re the best drivers on the road until it’s time to take a quiz. 

Think you know the basics? These road rules could save your drive—and your day! Read More

Overall, knowing what is wrong and right on the road could have a large impact on you and those around you. Staying mindful is the key to safety while driving. 

Knowing road rules is not just about avoiding tickets—it’s about confidently driving, not worrying whether or not you're about to commit a driving crime. No one wants to be the person who treats a “Yield” sign like it’s a casual "wave and go," only to realize, five miles later, they should’ve waited for that other car. 

Stay safe, and remember: following road signs is not a suggestion. It’s the difference between being a smooth operator and the star of a “Whoops, I didn’t know that!” moment.

So, here’s the challenge: Take the test, brush up on the rules, and remind yourself why being a good driver is more than just not crashing—it's about keeping everyone safe. 

Click here to learn more

And who knows? You might even learn a thing or two you didn’t know before


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