How to Title a Boat (and Why You Should Do It in Montana)

You’ve Got a Boat. You Need a Title. We Can Help.

Here at Dirt Legal, we have been helping folks like you get titles and registration for just about everything with tires (or even tracks!) attached to it for years. We’re creeping up on thirty thousand people helped over the years, and that is a lot of vehicles. 

But did you know that trucks, OHVs, RVs, etc., aren’t the only vehicles that need titles? Nope. Boats and vessels need them, too! Not all the time, and not for all boats, but there are circumstances where you definitely want and need a title. 

But getting your boat titled can be a huge pain in the butt, and if you’re in a state with high sales tax, it can cost you a mint. But Dirt Legal’s got you covered. Let’s take a look at how we can get your boat titled, and how we’ll save you some dough in the process. 

Why You Need to Title Your Boat

Okay, so first and foremost: why do you need to title your boat? 

First off, you don’t have to title every single boat. Non-motorized boats and other small crafts don’t usually need to be titled, but for the most part all motorboats in every state have to be titled. This is for the same reason that you need a title for motor vehicles: to legally prove ownership. 

Legal Requirement

All states require motorboats to be registered for use, and it is fairly universal that they need to be legally titled to register it. 

If you are going to keep it and use it, you need a title. If you are going to sell it, you really need a title. 

And if you are buying a boat without a title (that needs one), you need to know that there is a way ahead to get a title. We are that way ahead, through our bonded title service boat & vessel service.  

Proof of Ownership

Just like an ATV, UTV, motorcycle, or any other motorized vehicle, you need to prove your legal ownership from time to time. If there ever were a dispute over ownership of a boat (or any other vehicle), the title proves ownership. 

Of course, in the event that there is a dispute (if it ever came up), the bonded title process is your insurance policy that the title and boat are rightfully yours. 

Make sure to check out our article on bonded car titles. Even though this was car-specific, the process is identical. 

Insurance and Financing

For the sake of getting insurance and financing, you will almost assuredly have to have a clean title, or one bearing the bonded brand. A bonded title brand will not affect insurance in the same way that, say, a salvage title would because there is nothing structurally wrong with the vehicle/boat/vessel. 

A salvage brand title (or rebuilt) indicates the vehicle has been damaged and poses a higher level of risk or liability for the insurance provider. A bonded title, on the other hand, is administrative and has nothing to do with the integrity of the vehicle itself. 

Resale Value

Finally, there is the issue of resale value, and this is a big one. A vehicle with no title can and probably will lose anywhere between 20%-50% of its value. These are ONLY estimates, but it is a significant loss in value. 

The Boat Titling Process in Montana

Alright, now to the good part. Yes, we will title your boat for you so you can operate it legally. And as part of every boat and vessel titling process, we get it registered in Montana through our Montana LLC registration process so you can go ahead and get it on the water in all 50 states. 

Step-by-Step Guide

The Dirt Legal boat & vessel title recovery process is designed to be quick, easy, and worry-free on your end. Here are the steps:

  1. Purchase the service. 

  2. Complete online paperwork. Once you fill out the paperwork with the purchase, it will populate what we need done and the cue the next step in the process. 

  3. We will then send out a packet of paperwork that needs to be filled out and signed by hand. It will be clearly marked and annotated, so go ahead and fill out whatever needs to be filled out and sign it. 

  4. You can either send it back via USPS or upload the paperwork through our secure web service. 

  5. We will then prepare all the documents and send them to the DMV. 

  6. Finally, your title and registration is shipped back to you from the DMV. 

And that’s it. All you need to get the ball rolling is

  • Photo ID or passport

  • Montana Hull Identification Number (HIN) inspection completed by a police officer in your state

  • Photo of the badge or business card of the police officer that inspected your HIN

  • Photo of the HIN

Processing Time

There are no guarantees because it will be more time if they are swamped, and less time if they aren’t, but it usually follows this timeline. 

  • It’ll take 4-6 weeks to get your registration, and another 1-2 weeks to receive your title.

Again, no guarantees here. 

Why Montana is the Best State for Boat Titling

In a nutshell, there are two main reasons why Montana is awesome for boat and vessel titling. 

  1. Montana has no state sales tax, so when you go to title and register your boat, you won’t be stuck shelling over your hard earned cash in taxes. Since the boat is titled using a Montana LLC, you are given residency status in the state and it is all legit. 

  2. You don’t have to physically go to the DMV in Montana for initial titling requests. Lots of states have gone to online renewals, but not that many do the whole titling process online. This means you don’t ever have to trek up to Montana (although you certainly should check it out) to do any of it. 

How Dirt Legal Can Help

Dirt Legal has been titling all kinds of vehicles in Montana for almost a decade now, and we know all the ins and outs of the process. 

Our purpose in life is getting the paperwork you need when you need it without the hassles typically encountered with the DMV. We do all the interface with the DMV, so if there are any issues with your paperwork, we’re dealing directly with them so you can go about your day. Plus, we know the process front and back so we can usually resolve any problems quickly and easily. If it’s something we need your input on or more information, we will contact you. It’s as simple as that. 

Final Thoughts

Recovering a lost or missing title for a boat sounds daunting but it doesn’t have to be. Or, you might find a bargain buy for a boat that is missing the title but you don’t have a clue where to start. Whatever your situation, we are here for you. Our bonded title recovery service for boats & vessels is the proven process to get your boat (or your prospective boat) titled and registered through a Montana LLC. Not only is this pressing the easy button, but it is also the #1 way to save on high state sales tax. 

If you are ready to get that title recovered, smash the buy button and we’ll handle the rest.