no inspection

Is It Possible to Register a Vehicle Without an Inspection?

Is It Possible to Register a Vehicle Without an Inspection?

Car registration is bad enough. Once a year, the alphabet soup agencies remind you to send them money or get slapped with a fine, some states worse than others. But in about half the states, there’s yet another step in the process: inspections.

We have the solution to your inspection problems.

How to Register a Salvage Vehicle WITHOUT Any Inspections

How to Register a Salvage Vehicle WITHOUT Any Inspections

Most states do not afford the option to legally register and drive a car still branded as salvage without having it inspected, and we all know what that means. If you get the car inspected and it doesn't pass muster, you will receive a veritable laundry list of repairs that need to be made, and then you must come back for reinspection.