What Does It Mean When a Car Is Advertised as Parts Only? — Dirt Legal

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If you see a car advertised as “parts only” it’s likely the seller doesn’t think it can be repaired. This is very different from a car with a junk title that cannot legally be driven ever again. Ask the seller to specify what they mean by “parts only.”

What Does It Mean When a Car Is Advertised as Parts Only?

As you search Craigslist or eBay for a used car, you’ll likely see lots of listings for parts only cars. What are these and are they meant for the average buyer?

Your first thought might be that Parts Only means the title is missing, but that’s not always the case: especially if the seller has a limited understanding of cars, they might not see the car as being fixable even when it is.

Let’s take a closer look to see if a parts car is a good option for you.

Does a “Parts Only” Car Have a Junk Title?

Not necessarily. If you see a car advertised as “parts only” it’s likely the seller simply doesn’t think it can be repaired, but it’s possible that the car was issued a junk title that cannot legally be driven ever again. Ask the seller to specify what they mean by “parts only” because they could mean either one.

When a vehicle stops operating normally, or it has been in an accident, drivers will often turn to junkyards and dismantlers to pick up their car and give them a small amount of cash. Then, that junkyard will sell the parts off to other people and make a profit. If the junkyard sells the entire car, it’s usually sold with a junk title, a legal document saying that the car has been rendered as junk and can never be driven on the road again.

Occasionally, a person feels they could get more for the car if they sold it privately. That’s when they turn to Craigslist and offer their car to the world, but the seller believes it’s only good for parts. If the vehicle was involved in an accident that needed the insurance company’s involvement, it’s likely this car also carries a salvage title as well. However, that car could most likely still be fixed and driven on public roads again!

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When is the Time to Buy a Parts Only Car?

Several situations might make for a good time to invest in a Parts Only car.

Situation #1 – You Need Parts for Your Car

If your daily driver is in need of some repair, you might be able to get a better deal buying a whole car than going to the junkyard and getting pieces. Of course, you will need the room to put this car on your property while you complete your work.

Lucky for you, that goes both ways. Not everyone has neighbors that approve of them leaving junk cars lying around. If you have space and the know-how, why not offer the guy a little money for his clunker and see what happens?

In fact, your best course of action would be to call the junkyard and find out how much he would get for it. Then, offer him just a little more than that. You’ll get yourself a deal and he will be happy to get more than he thought he could.

Shoot, sometimes a junkyard will sell you an entire car with a Junk Title – one that can never be licensed for road use again. But that’s okay if all you need from the car are parts. Confirm the title status by running a VIN Check before you buy the car.

Ideally, you could get the parts you need and sell the rest. That’s what I did once with a fourth-generation Oldsmobile Toronado Troféo. I needed some parts that I knew were going to be tough to find at a reasonable price. I found a guy selling the car for a dirt-cheap price because he was just going to give it to the junkyard.

After I took off the parts I needed, and a few extra I wanted to have on hand, I put the car up for sale. Guess what? I tripled my money! Basically, I got my parts for free and made a profit to boot.

Situation #2 – You Have a Rare Vehicle

If you have a Toyota Camry, you probably have no trouble getting parts when you need them. However, if you drive something old or rare, you might have to search numerous junkyards to get parts when you need them.

That’s where having a parts only car can be beneficial. Of course, it goes back to having the space for it and the understanding of what to do with it. If you plan to keep the car around for a while, you’ll want an adequate place to store it so it doesn’t become rusty and damaged. And you’ll want to make sure the owner’s explanation of “parts only” is just their opinion and not a junk title.

Situation #3 – You Like a Project

If you have too much time on your hands, then by all means, invest in a parts only car. It will surely keep you busy and your tinkering might just help you make a profit in the end. Even if the car truly has a junk title, you could swap everything you need over to a new chassis or body and be on the road in no time.

Situation #4 – You Want to Save Money

If you need a used car, but don’t have the money to invest, buying a parts car might be the solution. Depending on what is wrong, you might be able to fix it with some time and a few inexpensive parts.

Just make sure you do your research before jumping in, to be sure the parts aren’t going to cost you more than the car is worth – and make sure the following problems don’t apply to it.

Potential Problems With “Parts Only” Cars

Now that we’ve discussed all the reasons you would consider purchasing a parts only car, it makes sense to tell you about the bad things that might crop up.

Problem #1 – The Seller Isn’t Honest

Let’s face it; you don’t know this person. It’s just some guy on Craigslist after all. When he tells you that the car only needs a particular part, how do you know that for sure? It’s not like you can take a broken-down vehicle on a test drive.  That’s why you want to pay more attention than usual when you purchase a parts car.

Make sure to gather plenty of information about the seller and write a robust bill of sale to help safeguard against scams.

Problem #2 – Salvage Titles

If you’re buying the car strictly to rob some parts from, this won’t concern you. If, however, you want to fix up the car and drive it, you need to consider that it might have a salvage title.

With a salvage title, it could be challenging to get the car back on the road, unless you jump through a lot of hoops. You want to make sure you are up for this task before proceeding.

It’s also important to know the difference between Salvage, Prior Salvage, Rebuilt, and Junk titles. People often use those phrases interchangeably even though they mean two very different things.

The best option is to run a quick VIN Check to make sure the title status is the same as described. If you’re expecting a clean title, the VIN Check should reflect that. If it doesn’t, you might have a problem.

5 Tips for Buying a Parts Only Car

If you are dead set on getting a parts only car, we’ve got some tips to protect you.

  1. Take a mechanic with you if you don’t know what you are looking at.

  2. Run a quick VIN Check to verify the title status. As a reminder, a Junk Title vehicle cannot be registered ever again.

  3. Make sure the car is worth buying. Price the parts individually that you need first.

  4. If you want to repair a salvage car, you need to fully understand the extent of the damage.

  5. Be willing to walk away from the deal if anything doesn’t seem to add up. Trust your gut.

Make Sure to Confirm the Details Ahead of Time!

Whether you need to find some specialized parts for your car or you are ready for a new project, there are plenty of Parts Only cars available on sites like Craigslist and eBay. Just be sure you protect yourself from a scam and use common sense whenever you meet up with someone online. As the old saying goes, one man’s junk is another man’s treasure.

If you find a car that doesn’t have a title, Dirt Legal can help. We’ve obtained countess new titles for owners of cars, trucks, SUVs, dirt bikes, and just about anything with wheels. Order a title now or bookmark our services for later.

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