Sign DMV Forms (In pen) — Dirt Legal

If you order a Montana service for your vehicle, you can now get an all-black license plate supporting motorcycle safety!

Sign DMV Forms (In pen)

What do I need to do?

Sign the DMV forms (In pen) included in your packet. Do not do anything other than sign. DO NOT sign electronically, as the DMV will not allow it.

For all vehicles:

  • Title Application must be signed by each person that owns the vehicle as seen here

  • One Name Affidavit must be signed per owner as seen here

For OHVs only (UTVs, Dirt Bikes, ATVs, etc):


Why is this needed?

  • The DMV requires a title application in order to issue a new South Dakota title.

  • Name affidavits are used to address any spelling variation of your name, across all of your documents.

  • Offroad affidavits are required to convert an off-highway vehicle into a street-legal vehicle. This list covers exactly what you will need to install on your vehicle to meet South Dakota requirements. (Keep in mind your state may have additional requirements, which you can see in our 50 state guide HERE).

  • Tax forms:

    • The Out-of-state dealer tax assessment form and a dealer bill of sale showing tax paid to the dealer will be used to get credit for any tax paid to the dealership. While you wont sign this form, you will still need the dealership to have it completed.

    • The Applicant’s tax payment verification form accompanied by a valid DMV tax receipt will be used to get credit for any taxes paid to the DMV.


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