VIN Inspection

What do I need to do?

Your vehicle must be physically inspected by a police officer or a third-party VIN verifier (from any state) who will complete Section 2 of this form.

  • The inspector must be a police officer OR an authorized VIN verifier in your state.

    • For dirt bikes, ATVs, and UTVs that are 10 years old or newer (Meaning 2015-2026 as of 1/1/25), a cop will be REQUIRED for your VIN inspection and it cannot be a 3rd party.

  • The inspector must use this Montana form and not an equivalent one from another state.

  • The VIN Inspection form must be completed with an ink pen. It cannot be completed online.

Here are the steps to complete this form:

  1. Get your VIN inspected by one of the following:

    Depending on your state, you can use the following VIN verifiers:

    • Local law enforcement in ANY state. This is easier than it sounds — just call your local non-emergency police phone number and request to meet with an officer for a VIN Verification on your vehicle as requested by the DMV

    • Notaries in Florida

    • Licensed VIN verifiers in AZ, CA, CO, FL, NV, OH, UT, VA

    • Dealerships in CO, NV, FL

      (this list is not exhaustive, always check your local state’s laws on VIN verifications)

  2. Obtain documentation from the VIN inspector

    We will cover this in detail later in this guide.

  3. Snap a photo of your odometer readout. The mileage on the photo must match what is stated on this form, so be sure to take it at the time of inspection. We will cover this in detail later in this guide.

This document must be mailed to us.


Why is this needed?

The DMV does not want to work with vehicles where the VIN has been tampered with. Having a third party physically confirm the presence and condition of the VIN helps the DMV limit their liability. The VIN Inspection Form proves that a third party has inspected the vehicle’s VIN for accuracy and evidence of tampering.

More information: