Are you a YouTube personality, an Instafamous stunter, or just someone who’s into off-road toys? Lots of people advertise easy-money programs to help you work toward that Lambo by doing something simple, but this one is legit. It’s called the Dirt Legal Ambassador Program, and it’s your new side hustle.
As a Dirt Legal Ambassador, you’ll receive 10% commission on any sale we get from your referral code.
It’s that easy!
Get Paid to Post on Instagram, YouTube, and Facebook!
As a Dirt Legal Ambassador, you’ll help spread the word about our services by posting to social media, hanging flyers in your office, or shouting at people from a tall building.
Maybe you have friends in high places, ones that can plug your referral code in their ads or on major social media accounts. Maybe you sell powersports stuff, or you’re in the auction or title business … talk about an unfair advantage.
How Does the Ambassador Program Work?
Your job is to promote our services fairly, legally, and loudly – and get paid when you succeed.
Your work is cut out for you because Dirt Legal can make just about anything street legal. If you’re into at least one of these, you're off to a good start:
Dirt bikes
Two strokes
LSVs and MSVs
Golf carts
Go karts
Where Do I Start?
To get started, fill out this short application to show us why you would make a great Dirt Legal Ambassador:
Once you’re approved we’ll send you a personalized referral code and a custom link to Anytime someone uses that code or link to buy our products or services, you get paid. Share that code like crazy because there’s no limit to how much you can earn.
That's right, no limit.
How Do I Get Paid?
When a referral goes through, you’ll receive a payment for 10% of the order price 30 days after the order takes place. Payment will be issued through your choice of PayPal or Dirt Legal gift cards. You can check the status of a referred order anytime by calling, texting, or emailing us with your referral code.
We’ll also send you a short and sweet Guide to Dirt Legal describing our services, how they work, and what we can and cannot do, so you can answer any questions that come your way.
What are you waiting for? Get started today!
Wait, Who is Dirt Legal?
In the past year, Dirt Legal has grown from a hopeful startup to something much more. We've gotten so busy we had to hire new staff and find a bigger office. Now Dirt Legal is one of the busiest title companies in the country – and we’re just getting started.
Dirt Legal specializes in getting 50-state legal titles for dirt bikes and off-road vehicles. Our industry-leading turnaround time and 100% customer satisfaction are second to none, and our customers only need a bill of sale to qualify for our title services. They may not even need a VIN number.
If it has wheels and an engine, chances are we can make it street legal in all 50 states. NO TITLE REQUIRED!
Have your doubts? We don't blame you. But rest assured, Dirt Legal is 100% legitimate.
What Are the Rules?
To keep things neat and simple, there aren’t many rules to the Ambassador Program. The major points are:
Don’t lie about our services. For example, there’s not much wiggle room in the delivery window of 2 to 4 weeks for a new tag and registration. We would love to fly people to the moon, too, but that’s not possible just yet. We’re waiting, Elon.
Don’t commit crimes in our name. We have attorneys and web scrapers just like any other business, and we take swift legal action on plagiarization of our web content, infringement of our trademark, defaming Guy Fieri, or any illegal means of promoting our services.
We’re not your employer. Feel free to mention us on your resume or in your wedding toast, but our employees are the people who work in our offices. We have to give them things like vacation time and backrubs, and since we haven’t seen your back we can’t sign ourselves up for that. No offense, we're sure you're a regular David Hasselhoff back there.
The full Terms and Conditions will be provided upon approval.
Most of our customers refer at least one friend. Capitalize on that! Contact us today to become a Dirt Legal Ambassador and start making easy money doing what you love.
Starting July 1, Texas car dealerships will stop issuing temporary paper license plates for vehicle purchases.